credit: Heuer Dialog

Wolfsburg, Germany: 6th German Factory Outlet Congress /// September 15 – 16, 2022

From rivals to friends: outlets as new options for shopping centers?

Outlets have been consistently profitable – despite online shopping and COVID-19. Could this last longer? The 6th annual meeting of decision makers is finally taking place and will focus on all of these questions:

  • Are there new options for the former outlet and shopping center rivals as development opportunities?
  • What is the impact of inflation and increased cost of living for customers and the centers?
  • Are city outlets the new rising star?
  • Does any omnichannel strategy for a brand need to include outlets?

We are looking forward to notable and experienced speakers on stage, plenty of space for networking and other interesting highlights offered by this particular industry event.

For more information, please visit the event website:

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