
Munich, Germany: Expo Real 2022 /// October 4 – 6, 2022

Expo Real 2022 brings together about 400 international speakers, to address the latest trends and innovation within the real estate industry.

The International Trade Fair for Real Estate and Investment focuses on covering key topics related to the current changes and needs of the sector. Actual and major future challenges such as climate change, interest rate development, digitization, and social components are addressed and discussed by stakeholders from diverse fields, such as architects, investors, and project managers.

Exhibitions, start-up presentations, lectures, and discussions are arranged to provide to the audience with the most updated information on the real estate industry.

Key facts about Expo Real in Munich:

  • It brings together approximately 19,200 Participants
  • International presence from 52 Countries
  • Around 1,198 Exhibitors
  • Relevant Contacts

This annual conference is based on a high-quality program, providing access to reliable information about all the factors and variables that impact and directly influence the real estate sector.

For more information about this event click here.

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