Author Archives: Online Editor

Retail on the Balkans in the times of corona

By Denis Cupic Specific region of the Balkans, foremost former Yugoslav Republics but also Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania have experienced fast changing times over the last three decades. Opening their societies to market-based economy in the nineties was slowed down … Continue reading

29.7 million euros gross lost revenue per day in Austria

Standort + Markt is headquartered in Lower Austria and has been supporting the retail real estate industry for more than forty years. This consulting company operates across the entire CEE region and provides analyses, market surveys, assessments, as well as … Continue reading

COVID-19 Impact Update: Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield provides update on planned dividends for the 2019 fiscal year

On February 12, 2020, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield announced its 2019 results and proposed adividend of €10.80 per stapled share. There were only a limited number of COVID-19 cases outside China at that time. Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved significantly and at a … Continue reading

IKEA donates 50,000 surgical face masks

IKEA had checked its pandemic plans in preparation for the coronavirus, as well as its inventory for a crisis like this. More than ten years ago, when IKEA prepared itself for an outbreak of the bird flu, the company bought … Continue reading

New Look, H&M, Harrods, Zara shut down stores in the UK

After some initial hesitation, Great Britain is now taking increasingly tough measures to contain the strongly increasing number of corona infections. After prime minister Boris Johnsen ordered the closing of schools a few days ago, the British government is now … Continue reading

Arricano: update on the impact of covid-19

Grocery stores, hypermarkets and pharmacies that are located in the shopping malls will continue to operate.  In response to these decisions, Arricano’s malls – Prospekt shopping mall and RayON shopping mall in Kyiv, City Mall in Zaporizhzhia and the Sun … Continue reading

Deutsche EuroShop: Preliminary figures for 2019 financial year as planned

Revenue: €225.9 million (+0.4%) Improved financial result and positive tax effect compensate for negative valuation result Consolidated profit: €112.1 million (+41.2%) Based on preliminary figures, shopping center investor Deutsche EuroShop closed financial year 2019 with good operating figures that partially … Continue reading

Vastned gives update on the impact of COVID-19

The health and safety of its employees, tenants and visitors is paramount for Vastned. The company is following the instructions of the World Health Organization and of government authorities closely. Vastned has taken measures in these challenging circumstances to ensure … Continue reading

LPP supports the fight against coronavirus

The Polish company is cooperating with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister as regards supporting the Polish government in the purchase of protective measures for health care facilities such as overalls, masks, disinfectants and thermometers. The Pomeranian clothing manufacturer will … Continue reading

M&S sparks neighbourly action with new fund to mobilise over 1,000 local charities across the uk

Whole M&S Family has come together (including M&S Bank and M&S Energy) to support long-standing M&S partner, Neighbourly The Neighbourly Community Fund, kickstarted by M&S, will support hundreds of local organisations (from food banks to youth clubs) to immediately deliver on the … Continue reading

Coronavirus will hit economies across all EBRD regions

The EBRD, which invests in 38 emerging economies across three continents has launched an emergency package worth an Initial €1 billion to support companies in its countries suffering because of the crisis.  More detailed economic forecasts for the EBRD regions will be … Continue reading

Shopping center and retail operational challenges with COVID 19

The document can be downloaded for free by following this link: The scale and scope of risks faced by retail and shopping center operators today are expanding and evolving faster than ever before. The Covid-19 pandemic is hitting the shopping … Continue reading

Retailers support retailers: kika/Leiner CEO and more than 400 employees support food retailers

It is a time of uncertainty for entrepreneurs but also for their staff. “This is about solidarity–to our fellow men and women but also our domestic economy,” says kika/Leiner CEO Reinhold Gütebier. “This is why we at kika/Leiner decided to … Continue reading

Polish companies unite and establish the Polish Trade and Services Employers’ Association

The owners of Polish clothing, footwear, accessories and other brands have come together to take actions that will contribute to saving Polish companies, and thus the jobs of hundreds of thousands of employees, as well as a whole host of co-operators working with … Continue reading

Immofinanz: Information on the influence of Covid-19 on retail activities

The government authorities in all countries where IMMOFINANZ owns and operates retail properties have recently imposed restrictions and implemented various measures to contain Covid-19. These measures affect various aspects of everyday life, among others through the temporary shutdown of retail … Continue reading

Retail during the days of coronavirus

By Carmen Trepat More than ever we have come to realize that we live in a V.U.C.A. world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous). It is often said that “change is the only constant” and this is certainly true of the … Continue reading

Corona crisis: Many events are postponed

Reed Midem announced at the beginning of this month that Mipim will not take place from March 10 to 13, 2020 due to the coronavirus. The biggest real estate fair in Cannes was rescheduled for June 2 to 5, 2020. … Continue reading

Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield confirms strong liquidity position

Restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus currently limit the operations of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield in several of its markets, as announced on March 16, 2020. Since then, further restrictions have been added in France and Germany and the … Continue reading

Coronavirus crisis: Remembering the relevance of local suppliers

By Manfred Wiltschnigg In light of the enormous dynamics of the corona pandemic, which has reached virtually all countries around the globe (albeit at varying degrees), it is hard to predict which consequences are to be expected in the medium … Continue reading

B&P offers retailers quick and uncomplicated crisis help during rental negotiations

Missing customer frequencies and temporary forced closings as a result of the containment measures threaten the existence of many retailers.  Lowering the rent or even suspending the rental payment for the duration of the closure can help minimize one of the … Continue reading