Daily Archives: April 7, 2022

Supernova Ljubljana Rudnik Expansion celebrates opening

Before the official opening, a press conference was held in the new part of the shopping center with a tour of premises.  The expanded section will open to the public at 7 PM, with night shopping until midnight and opening … Continue reading

URW Introduces Digital Art Center in Hamburg

In addition to the Atelier des Lumières in Paris and other immersive digital art centers in Jeju Island, Bordeaux, Baux-de-Provence, and Dubai, Culturespaces is currently planning additional locations in Amsterdam, Seoul, and New York. Due to the high entertainment and experience factor, … Continue reading

Multi Poland: Marketing is a Key Value Driver for Real Estate Assets

Multi Corporation manages more than 80 retail assets across Europe, and it has set high marketing standards and criteria in its “Driving Value” program. The program also covers strategic marketing management. This approach assumes that the role of shopping center … Continue reading