Daily Archives: March 27, 2020

intu: Statement on COVID-19 impact

All of intu’s centres in the UK and Spain are operating on a semi-closed basis. In line with the latest Government advice in both countries, only essential stores, such as supermarkets, pharmacies and banks, remain open. Rent for the second … Continue reading

11 points institutional landlords need to consider during this turbulent season

By Steffen Hofmann First: Safeguard the occupancy rate, in particular if you were forced to temporarily shut down parts of your property or the entire center operation even. Don’t lose sight of the big picture! There will be trade again … Continue reading

Community prevails

By Klaus Striebich There are lot of things being said, written, and posted right now. The current corona crisis affects us in significant ways. That is the main difference between this crisis and previous ones, such as Lehman Brothers, the … Continue reading