Daily Archives: March 25, 2020

Dutch Retail, Hotels and Co-working Offices Expected to Feel Heaviest Impacts from Coronavirus Pandemic – Bouwinvest Research

The heaviest blows from the economic slowdown in the Dutch real estate industry are likely to fall on sectors most dependent on discretionary consumer spending, including retail — outside of basic daily necessities — hotels and restaurants, as well as … Continue reading

Current information from ECE on the corona crisis

On the basis of the guidelines for dealing with the corona crisis laid down by the Federal Government and the heads of the Länder governments, the Länder and local authorities have now implemented official decrees with concrete requirements for the … Continue reading

NEPI Rockcastle gives update on the impact of Covid-19

NEPI Rockcastle provided an initial update concerning the impact of the COVID-19 related government measures on its activities in an announcement dated 17 March 2020. Since that date, the authorities in Romania, Serbia and Croatia have increased the safety measures … Continue reading

Decline in retail footfall three times greater than the worst recorded, according to Springboard

The result for the week before last –which began to reveal the potential impact of Coronavirus on consumer activity – pales into insignificance against the result for last week where footfall declined by -21.7% from the previous week, and by -28% … Continue reading